Sunday, August 3, 2008

Art through the eyes of my son

"God, where are you?" asked my 3 year old son, as we were walking through the National Cathedral this morning before mass. It was only his 5th of 6th time accompanying me to church, and as we had approached our destination in the car, in order to make the experience a bit more accessible, I had told him that we were headed to church to say "hello" to God. So I guess his question was the natural, logical progression from my set-up: "God, where are you? We're here to say hello to you!" We wandered through the maze of small stone stairways, which were tucked away from the main corridors, and into the little chapels, prayer alcoves, and various altars. Eventually we made our way down into the crypt where we continued our journey. In one quiet chapel, set aside by the cathedral for meditation and personal prayers, my son somehow instinctively said "No loud noises, Mama", as if he had known instantly the spiritual purpose of this room, to which I smiled and giggled as I watched him slowly make his way towards the back wall where a colorful mosaic stood waiting for him.

As we approached the last few destinations in our quest, we stumbled across a little nook marked for prayers of The Good Shepherd. Above a little altar was a sculpture - a stone relief of Jesus as a young man, lovingly holding a sheep in his arms, and gazing down at us. My son looked at me with great concentration and said quite seriously and simply, "This is where God is sitting". I almost fell on the floor - because as he said it - I felt an immediate sense of the holy spirit enveloping us both. And what does Christ say? When 2 or more are gathered in His name, that is where church resides. For me, this morning, in that quiet and humble nook, in that sacred fleeting moment with my son - that was my worship service. Through his eyes, I could see.

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